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What I've Learned Today:
In John 20 Jesus had already resurrected from the grave goes to see the disciples. He goes to show them that He indeed resurrected. To the one who doubted He tells him to put their fingers in His wounds. WOW! Then tells them, PEACE BE WITH YOU! If you look at the scriptures careful you can see that the disciples was discouraged and lost hope. They lost hope thinking that Jesus did not defeat the grave! Its like a, "now that He's gone what are gonna do now" moment. Even before then in John 20 from last Sunday's message, Mary Magdalene didn't believe that Jesus rose because she asked Jesus Himself thinking that He was the gardener saying, if you took the body of Jesus where is it? She didn't have any peace!

                   But here's one of the most amazing parts of this story, Jesus not the gardener Mary thought He was, asked her Mary, WHO ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? Another WOW moment! (And that's how we are! When life knocks us down and we look for answers in everything but He who is right here with us! (The "John" mentality, Are You Jesus who You say You are or do we look for help in a bottle? In drugs? In clubs? In men? In women? In ourselves?) Where are You Lord? Because if I can't find You... If I can't hear You... If I can't see You, I'll find help in other things. (No peace just chaos!) So after Jesus asked her the question of who she's looking for, she asked for the body of Jesus who she is talking and standing right in front of. (We can get so caught up with things around us that we forget that God is always with us.) But Jesus.... Called Mary by her name! (Sends chills talking it!) Not recognizing Who this man was, lost hope in His resurrection heard only one thing... MARY! She IMMEDIATELY recognizes His voice, turns around, and then calls Him by His name, Rabboni (Teacher). (My question to you is, Who are you calling on when you are in trouble? What is keeping you from seeing and knowing that Jesus is with you? 

     If you don't know Jesus as your Savior, would you let Him in and give you that peace? What is causing you to lose hope? Where is your joy? Who or what has you made your savior instead of Jesus? Jesus wants us to have peace in Him regardless of what we see around us! To not lose hope in Him! To always be reminded that God is with us! Just like He did Mary, He can shown us He's here by reminding us in His word and showing up in our situations! Just like He did Thomas, He can prove to us that He is alive by building our faith through hard times, through His word, and pulling us out of situations! Theirs nothing we should be afraid of or no fear that should keep us in bondage! Yes, fear is a part of life but to have Jesus in the midst of our fears causes us to stand firm and destroy giants! Knowing that victory is already won through Christ!
